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  • Revenge Porn | Projecttasveer

    Revenge Porn Revenge Porn, in the contemporary times, is one of the most frequent forms of cybercrime that the netizens encounter. The dissemination of sexually explicit pictures or films online without the consent of the person who is shown in the images is an example of a kind of pornography known as non-consensual pornography. The most frequent type of this type of pornography is known as "revenge porn." The perpetrator is often an ex-partner who gets photographs or videos over the course of a past relationship, with the intention of publicly shaming and humiliating the victim as a form of vengeance for the victim terminating a relationship with the perpetrator. But the people who commit these acts are not usually current or former romantic partners, nor are they always motivated by a desire for vengeance. Images may also be acquired through hacking into the victim's computer, online accounts, or cell phone, and they can be used with the intention of inflicting genuine harm on the victim's lifestyle in the "reality". The repercussions of revenge porn are very concerning. After photographs of a target have been put online, it is not uncommon for other users on the internet to begin following the subject. This is a significant breach of privacy rights. When it comes to expose networks, the photographs that are shared typically contain sensitive information about the victim, such as a link to their social network account. This might result in very damaging instances of online harassment. These kinds of photographs may generate a variety of significant concerns, including stalking, in addition to that. The repercussions may be felt in every facet of a given situation; for example, it can be quite humiliating to find pictures of oneself placed on the web. A significant number of fatalities do not even attempt to broach the subject with their loved ones. Furthermore, probably the most significant repercussion is that it might result in issues relating to one's emotional stability. The sufferer may begin to experience inferiority complex, helplessness, and grief, which may start to play a pivotal role in their lifestyle. This is most definitely the situation where the outside world fails to protect the victim and ends up condemning them for the matter in hand Laws regarding Revenge Porn India has no laws that specifically deal with revenge porn but, for now, these incidents are being covered by the Indian Penal Code and Information Technology Act, 2000. Section 66E in the IT Act of 2000 states that violation of privacy wherein the accused intentionally captures, publishes or transmits the picture or image of the victim’s private body part without the consent of the individual is a punishable offence. Section 67 of the IT act provides for the punishment for publication of or transmission of obscene and sexual material through an electronic medium. Section 354C talks about the IPC of Voyeurism. According to this section, if any man watches or captures a woman engaging in a private act, unaware she is being watched or filmed, not expecting of being observed by the person who disseminates such image or video would be liable under the law

  • Agenda | Projecttasveer

    Agenda Tasveer works on cybercrimes of sensitive nature and keeping in touch with its subject, the project will focus on four objectives. First Tasveer will raise awareness of cybercrimes considered taboos on its social media platforms and through its website. Second Tasveer will promote research on cybercrimes and cybersecurity so as to reduce cyber violence through its blog and other research projects Third Tasveer will work on conducting cyber awareness drives which will also raise legal awareness regarding such crimes and the provisions safeguarding netizens from instances if cyberviolence. Fourth Tasveer will conduct events wherein guests and experts from around the globe working with cyber laws and cybersecurity would be invited to disseminate knowledge on the nittigrities of such crimes.

  • Resources | Projecttasveer

    Cybersecurity Handbook View Handbook Cyber Laws are contained in the IT Act, 2000, and the Act aims to provide the legal infrastructure for E-commerce in India. The main objective of writing this manual is to present the complicated provisions of Cyber Laws in a simplified and concise manner. The manual provides helpful information from various disciplines, including criminology and information technology. Because of the diversity of backgrounds of potential readers, this manual presumes no prior knowledge of the technical aspects of cybercrime – key concepts in both areas are defined as they arise in the following chapters. The chapters consider research conducted in each room but also apply practical examples and models to each type of cybercrime. The chapters also consider many spects of each cybercrime – they do not simply consider the offender but also the effects on the victims ,a suitable punishments, potential preventative measures and comparisons to similar offline offences. The need for this Manual appears obvious as more people access the Internet and engage in online activities, including the trade of goods and services, banking transactions, and credit card purchases, as the size of cyberspace continues to expand. However, by taking advantage of flaws in various gadgets, thieves use the same networks to perform cybercrimes that also impact the real world. Cybercriminals commit identity theft and financial fraud, steal intellectual property from companies, undertake espionage to obtain military and state secrets, and enlist the help of other criminals to carry out physical terrorist operations around the globe. The impacts of cyber-attacks are similar to those of terrorist attacks in physical space since they are used to interfere with crucial infrastructures like financial and air traffic control systems India sees a significant increase in cybercrime. Incidents of malware, spam, and phishing arealso on the rise. The manual intends to fulfil the purpose of educating college students and women about the meaning of cybersecurity. The team would like to thank Dr. Kalpeshwar Gupta and ProBono India for their contribution with the handbook. ​ ​

  • Adv. Chaitanya Bhandari | Projecttasveer

    Podcast on Honey Trap Fraud on the Internet - with Adv. Chaitanya Bhandari Q. Do you believe that the legal remedies provided in India to combat sensitive Cybercrimes are sufficient? A. Well, yes, I think India has one of the strongest acts today and we are one of the first few countries who came in together to formulate this act and start working on this subject. So, I think we are good enough when you compare it with the other laws and regulations that we have in India. We have a good document in place but implementation or usage of the document is still a million-dollar question. Q. Do you believe that crimes like cyberstalking, image-based sexual abuse, etc. are gender-based crimes and affect women more? A. Its not that the crimes happen more with women, but reporting happens more with women because as a society we kind of teach girls that it is okay to cry or to ask for help, but, unfortunately, even today society tells the boys that you can’t complain or you can’t be cheated because you are a boy. Because of these psychological factors that go into a child’s mind, there are few complaints as far as the male gender is concerned. Therefore, the reporting happens more with women. In my opinion, however, both the segments, even the transgender segment for that matter are equally susceptible to these kinds of crimes and I don’t see any difference in the impact of such crimes at all. Well, my NGO, called Amanzo, deal with a lot of children’s issues therefore we get more reports on kids. Q. What impact do these online crimes have on the victims, and how do they cope with it? Are there organizations in our country that help them? A. The psychological effect that it creates is really really bad especially among children because they tend to believe what they hear and see multiple times. For example, if you run the statistics among the psychologists they say that there is an increased level of sexual orientation or sexual perverts between children today because they are exposed to unwanted data which is not right for their age, and they tend to believe what they see. This problem is really difficult to manage because people really need to understand and accept that there is a problem like this. In a country like India, where even discussing about psychological impacts is taboo, a lot of awareness and education amongst the society is required. And the helping can only be done by counsellors or psychological professionals. Interview Link

  • Interviews | Projecttasveer

    Interviews Podcast on Honey Trap Fraud on the Internet - with Adv. Chaitanya Bhandari Podcast on Cybercrimes against women - with Dr. Pattathil Dhanya Menon Podcast on Protection against Cybercrimes - with Dr. Gaurav Gupta Podcast on Cybercrimes in a virtual workspace - with Ms. Pallavi Pratap Podcast on Pornography and its implications - Ms. Mary Sharpe & Dr. Darryl Mead

  • Ms. Pallavi Pratap | Projecttasveer

    Podcast on Cybercrimes in a virtual workspace - with Ms. Pallavi Pratap Q. Is there an increased chance of sexual harassment in the digital workspace? A. With the COVID situation, the physical interactions were reduced by a lot, so there really wasn’t any physical harassment in those times. But in the digital space, I would say that all of us are very vulnerable, especially because - no matter what you do, however many layers of security you apply on your account, people can still find a way to message you, or misuse your pictures, or find your contact details. To top this, in the virtual space, we share a lot from our personal lives. It makes it all the more easier for people to find you and harass you in the physical space then. Q. While the POSH Act is gender-neutral, do you believe that there is any community that is more vulnerable in the virtual space than the rest? A. I believe that while women are vulnerable in the digital space, there’s a higher danger to the LGBT community. You see people online harassing them, bullying them for their life choices. And then we have people, celebrities being trolled and harassed for anything and everything, be it a woman posting an exercise video or a harmless tweet. Just because it is in a public domain, anonymous people take full advantage and misuse their privacy. And it makes it difficult for everyone to give their opinion or voice any concerns because they’re judged on so many parameters. Q. What measures do you believe the government as well as private institutions have taken to prevent harassment of men in the workplace? A. TI think as a society, we have yet to grow up to that level where we’re able to identify that men can also be victims. Because of a patriarchal mindset and the way our society is structured, traditionally we consider women to be the victims. And this may also be because, sometimes when a marginalised group gets rights, there are instances of misuse and abuse of the same statutes that were meant to empower. This implies that men are not only victims of sexual harassment, similar to how women are, they are also more prone to be victims of harassment in way of misuse and abuse of rights. Interview Link

  • Ms. Mary Sharpe & Dr. Darryl Mead | Projecttasveer

    Podcast on Pornography and its implications - Ms. Mary Sharpe & Dr. Darryl Mead Q. Does watching pornography affect the normal sexual behaviour/expectations of people? A. Pornography affects the normal sexual behaviour of people as by watching it on screen, people often try to learn different ways of being sexual although it’s not necessarily how our biology is set up to be as it includes violence and rarely shows a negotiation of consent and doesn’t teach the youth what it takes to have a good and loving relationship. At a malleable age of the brain, youths often get exposed to all kinds of imaginable and unimaginable content online in order to be great lovers but the kind of materials available on pornography sites are not helpful for long-term relationships. Q. What are your views on the impact of technological advancements on pornographic content that is available online? A. Virtual reality developed further addiction by keeping the arousal levels high in an abnormal and artificial way. Real-life sex becomes boring as compared to artificial pornography content which hooks up the users to technology, costing them money and hence they come under the influence of multi-billion dollar companies and artificial intelligence working for their own profits. This causes the youth to incline more towards artificial pornography than real-life sex and interpersonal relationships. Mobile phones, which are used by almost everyone nowadays, make it possible to create high-definition porn whenever desired which often leads to revenge porn. Moreover, billions of users on porn sites often don’t know that while accessing porn sites, most of the companies access private information from their phone and sell it to advertisers to make profits. Q. Is pornography in itself an act of violence against women or does it encourage such gender-based violence because of the brutality being displayed on the screen? A. As a woman, pornography looks like an act of violence since it involves so much of coercive sex. The radical feminists say that the paid actors in pornography are told to perform in a way that the sex is enjoyable to look at but in reality, it’s just a way of objectifying women for the attention of the male gaze although many women enjoy pornography as well. Where liberal feminists say that pornography is empowering, women invest several years raising a child while it takes a few seconds for a man to inseminate. Hence, women are more vulnerable in the modern hookup culture by putting their bodies and several years at stake as compared to men because of several biological difference like women going more for quality over quantity, unlike men. Interview Link

  • Cybercrimes | Projecttasveer

    Cybercrimes Child Pornography Cyberflashing Deepfakes Revenge Porn Sextortion Upskirting

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